Category: Feature Stories
How God really speaks today
Editor’s Note: From time to time we run across other publications that reflect the high value we place on Scripture as God’s revelation. The following article is such a publication, highlighting the dangers of “just following your heart” when it comes to faith. by Phillip…
New church workers for Nicaragua
NICARAGUA – January 25 was a day of great celebration for the Iglesia Luterana Sínodo de Nicaragua (ILSN – Lutheran Church Synod of Nicaragua). That Sunday, eleven pastors were ordained and nine deaconesses were consecrated for service to the church. The new graduating class nearly…
“Lord, to whom shall we go?”
by Mathew Block It’s something I grew up singing regularly as part of the liturgy, right before the Gospel reading: “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life” (John 6:68). The verse is a potent reminder of the power of…
President Bugbee issues pastoral letter on ABC District situation
The following pastoral letter was issued last week by Lutheran Church–Canada’s President Robert Bugbee to all congregations, pastors, and deacons of LCC. The letter was sent with the request that all congregations read it publicly during worship on February 8, and that they make it…
Canada decriminalizes assisted suicide and voluntary euthanasia
CANADA – On February 6, the Supreme Court of Canada decriminalized assisted suicide and voluntary euthanasia. The declaration has been suspended for one year to give the federal government time to propose new legislation on the issue. The news comes just under a month since…
American Sniper: Of Sheep, Wolves, and Sheepdogs
by Ted Giese “There are three types of people in this world: sheep, wolves, and sheepdogs.” In Clint Eastwood’s film American Sniper the central character, Chris Kyle, is a Texan who grew up wanting to live the life of a “cowboy,” content to chase the…