Category: Feature Stories
His Father’s Son: Jesus in the Temple
by Stephen Chambers It’s clear that the first two chapters of Luke’s Gospel are unique; that’s the place where we hear many of the stories that fill the Advent and Christmas seasons. What we sometimes overlook though is the special light that the last of…
Three Days of Snow: One Christmas in Scotland
by Sylvia Das “I suppose you like this weather,” said one of the ladies at our small Scottish church, shaking the snow off her kerchief. “Yes,” I laughed. “It’s always nice to have snow on Christmas Eve.” As Canadians living on the outskirts of Glasgow,…
Son of Man and Son of God: The Good News in Jesus’ Genealogy
by Jonathan Kraemer When a child is born, parents and others wonder: “What will you be like when you grow up?” or “I wonder how you will take after your mother? Your father?” or “Will you be similar to another relative?” When we ask questions…
LCC-SELCU Missions during the war in Ukraine
UKRAINE – As of November 24, 2022 the people of Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) have raised a total of $649,317.56 for the Ukraine Relief Aid Fund. The following update is provided by Rev. Oleksiy Navrotskyy, LCC’s Missionary-at-Large in the Ukraine concerning our partner church the Synod of…
Christmas and the Church Triumphant: The Value of Christmas Memorial Trees
by Leonardo Neitzel The Christmas memorial tree is a tradition that has not been widely adopted in our churches. As the word suggests, a Christmas memorial tree provides an opportunity to recognize and remember loved ones who have passed on to glory. Most congregations which…
He hears my voice: Happiness, Mental Illness, & the Promises of God
by Alex Steinke Studies tell us that a third of Canadians will face mental illness throughout their lifetimes. I am no exception. Though, statistically-speaking, I’m not alone in this kind of suffering, I still blush to admit that I have struggled with depression, anxiety, and…