Category: Feature Stories
Easter keeps you moving
by Robert Bugbee “Therefore, beloved brothers of mine, become firm, unmoveable people, overflowing in the Lord’s work always, knowing that your toil in the Lord is not for nothing” (1 Corinthians 15:58). You may recall scenes from the blockbuster film Titanic back in 1997. As…
by Peggy Pedersen “Hallelujah” is a transliteration of a Hebrew word. The Greek is “alleluia.” Both mean Praise Yah—a shortened form of Yahweh, the Holy Name of God. The word appears 24 times in the Book of Psalms. Because of its Hebrew origin, it has…
The Agony in the Garden
by Ted Giese Recently I had the privilege to take part in Canadian Lutheran World Relief’s (CLWR) 2014 Global Encounter, held in Israel and Palestine. In addition to visiting places like the Augusta Victoria Hospital and various Lutheran schools which are supported in part through…
Jesus’ right-hand man
by Mathew Block You can understand why the other disciples were angry. James and John had approached Jesus in secret and asked to be given authority above the rest. “Let one of us sit at your right,” they requested, “and the other at your left…
Good News: Scripture translation in Cameroon
Editor’s note: What follows is an update on the Scripture-translation work of Rev. Mike Kuhn in Cameroon. Rev. Kuhn is a missionary with Lutheran Bible Translators of Canada. The Canadian Lutheran reported on his and his family’s arrival in Galim in 2013. by Mike Kuhn…
Reviewing Son of God
by Ted Giese For the theatrical release of Son of God, Director Christopher Spencer and lead editor Robert Hall took material from five episodes of the television mini-series The Bible. As a result the film is much shorter with a 138-minute running time. To achieve…