Category: Feature Stories
Video: President Bugbee preaches at LCMS President’s Installation
ST. LOUIS, Missouri – President Robert Bugbee of Lutheran Church–Canada preached the Service of Installation for President Matthew C. Harrison of The Lutheran Church–Missouri Synod (LCMS) September 14 in St. Louis. “It’s an unexpected honour to be asked to serve our Missouri Synod friends in…
Jennifer Jade Kerr nominated for Covenant Awards and Western Canadian Music Awards
BURLINGTON, Ontario– The Gospel Music Association of Canada (GMA Canada) has announced the nominations for the 2013 Covenant Awards, and Lutheran Church–Canada’s (LCC) own Jennifer Jade Kerr is among those nominated for Female Vocalist of the Year. The news comes a few months after the…
LCC’s seminaries begin new year
CANADA – Sunday, September 8 marked the opening of the new academic year for Lutheran Church–Canada’s (LCC) two seminaries. In St. Catharines, Ontario, Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary (CLTS) held its opening worship service the afternoon of September 8 in the seminary’s chapel, with President Thomas…
Is God Calling Me? New website helps Christians answer the question
ONLINE – “On January 13, 1914, Earnest Shackelton published the following notice: ‘Men wanted for hazardous journey. Small wages. Bitter cold. Long months of complete darkness. Constant danger. Safe return doubtful. Honour and recognition in case of success.’ Five thousand applications were received in response…
Paradise lost: A review of Elysium
by Ted Giese Under the special effects, makeup, and whiz-bang jargon of sci-fi film-making, one often finds popular social commentary. The commentary generally comes in two varieties: prophetic warning of what the future might hold, or a pointed criticism of how things are right now….
Translating God’s Word in Cameroon
CAMEROON – Rev. Mike and Kara Kuhn, along with their two sons, Tobias (3) and Gideon (1), arrived in Cameroon, West Africa, before Easter of this year to serve as missionaries with Lutheran Bible Translators of Canada (LBTC). They have been assigned to assist the…