Category: Feature Stories
The Bible: “Viewer discretion is advised”
by Ted Giese As might be expected, Lutherans are keen on the Bible. Our churches read aloud from the Scriptures every week during worship. In those same services our pastors preach sermons based on the readings for the day. We encourage our members to read…
Meditating on the Passion of Christ
by Martin Luther (translation by Paul T. McCain) When we meditate on the Passion of Christ the right way, we see Christ and are terrified at the sight. Our conscience sinks in despair. This feeling of terror needs to happen so that we fully realize…
Lutheran Presence and Witness in Cambodia: Lord, let thy kingdom come
by Leonardo Neitzel The official language of Cambodia is Khmer; its religion, Buddhism. The country is still in recovery, in some ways, from Pol Pot’s massive killings of his own people in the 1970s. Today, the economy is in steady progress, and people seem very…
How are you communicating?
by Robert Bugbee The world around us has changed. Take communication, for example. I heard recently of some young people living near each other, who could easily visit in person, but hardly ever do so. Instead, they “talk” and “listen” through endless texting and social…
The Ladder and the Bridge
by Peggy Pedersen Most of us remember that old hymn “We are climbing Jacob’s Ladder,” but we forget that Jacob did not actually climb that ladder. Instead, the Son of God descended on it to bless Jacob. All religions except Christianity are trying to build…
Life in seminary
———- For our January/February issue, The Canadian Lutheran focused on how God calls pastors to serve the Church. To accompany Ed Kettner’s article on that topic, we interviewed four current seminary students to see what life in seminary is really like. Along the way, we…