Category: Headline
Rev. Dr. Harold Ruf, former District President, called to glory
ALBERTA – Rev. Dr. Harold Edmund Ruf, former President of the Alberta-British Columbia (ABC) District, was called to glory early in the morning of December 12, 2024. He was 90 years old. Dr. Ruf was first elected to serve as ABC District President in 1988,…
Blessing a home
by David Haberstock “The times they are a-changin’.” Over the last 20 years, most every pastor has had people come with complaints of strange phenomena occurring in their home, especially at night. It seems since the advent of Rationalism and the scientific method, we all…
LCC receives letter of thanks from SELCU Bishop
UKRAINE – Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) President Timothy Teuscher received a letter from Bishop Alexander Yurchenko of the Synod of Evangelical Lutheran Churches of Ukraine (SELCU) expressing gratitude to LCC for its ongoing partnership. Yurchenko writes: “I would like to thank you for many years of…
The Holy Arm of the Lord
by Alex Vieira At Christmas, we often think of Jesus as a small, vulnerable baby in the manger, yet we are also reminded that He is far more than He appears: He is God’s Son and our Saviour. But the prophet Isaiah invites us to…
A Saviour is Born—For You and Your Neighbour
by Martin Luther Christ for You It is of no value merely to believe that the story of the birth of Jesus is true as it is written. The right and gracious faith which God demands is that you firmly believe that Christ is born…
Then With Shepherds Let Us Go
by Timothy Teuscher In the familiar account of the nativity of our Lord from St. Luke’s Gospel, we come across a number of individuals. First and foremost, of course, is the “Babe lying in a manger” (Luke 2:7), our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Then…