Category: Headline
Mats, masks, and more to help those in need
GODERICH, Ont. – The pandemic has prevented in-person, out of town deliveries of sleeping mats and knitwear from the Berea Lutheran Hats and Mats Project, but the group continues to knit and work on the Feminine Hygiene Project, as well as a new project:…
You’re Grounded!
by Robert Mohns “You’re grounded!” “That’s the worst word ever invented,” retorted the teenager, slamming the bedroom door. For young people, the word “grounded” always seems to have a negative meaning. After one hundred days of mandated social isolation and being locked inside our…
Who is my neighbour?
by John Arthur Nunes As if the loneliness of isolation weren’t enough, now we are gripped by the fear of anarchy and what feels to some like the collapse of western civilization. As tough as these times seem, I believe that the Holy Spirit…
Together, One
by Mathew Block “For just as the body is one and has many members, and all the members of the body, though many, are one body, so it is with Christ. For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body—Jews or Greeks, slaves…
Greyhound: Heavy Action, Light Characters, and the Lutheran Connection
by Ted Giese Greyhound, Tom Hanks’ adaptation of the 1955 C.S. Forester novel The Good Shepherd, was set to sail into theatres June 12,, 2020, and then pushed back to June 21. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic it was finally launched into the seas of…
Good Shepherd Valleyview building fire
by Michelle Heumann VALLEYVIEW, Alta. – Late in the evening of July 26, 2020, the building belonging to Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, a historical storefront located on Main Street, caught on fire. Rev. Shiekh Lief Mauricio, who has been the pastor there since 2019, reports…