Category: Headline
God’s Gift of Literature
by Mary J. Moerbe When my father read to me as a child, he gave me a great gift. As an educator, he knew he was shaping how my mind would receive and process language and imagery, and, as my dad, it was a bonding,…
Canadian broadcast of The Lutheran Hour this Sunday to include Canada Day message from Rev. Scott Gamble
CANADA – This Sunday June 28, 2020, on the Canadian broadcast of The Lutheran Hour, Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) pastor, Rev. Scott Gamble, will be sharing a special message entitled “O Canada, Canada: A Love/Hate Relationship”. With Canada Day just around the corner, Gamble’s message…
by Stephen Chambers Everyone loves a mystery, they say. That might be why Jesus’ parables are so popular. They use ordinary language to point toward spiritual realities which transcend our everyday experience, and the gaps between those two worlds are both fascinating and mysterious….
I need God with a Face
by Robert Mohns Many of our days are spent in the routines of life according to our various vocations. We are husbands and wives. We are fathers and mothers. We have families to care for. We work, we study, we play. We worship, we…
LCC congregations vs. the “New Normal”
CANADA – The term “New Normal” has been tossed around a lot lately in light of the implications of the COVID-19 pandemic. So what does this “New Normal” look like? Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) congregations have been responding to the circumstances at hand, and a few…
LCC congregations coordinate, offer virtual VBS options Canada-wide, all summer long!
ONLINE – Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) congregations across the country have come together to coordinate free Virtual VBS options for families all summer long – No matter where you live! An email will be sent out to all congregations with details, relevant links, as well as…