Category: Headline
LLLC and Crew Ministries announce new partnership
by Joel Haberstock KITCHENER, Ont. – On March 9, 2020, Lutheran Laymen’s League of Canada (LLLC) and CREW Ministries announced a new partnership that will allow CREW to provide the CDs recorded by their teams to LLLC to use in their ministries across Canada. This…
Seeing Jesus
by Mathew Block “The hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorified. Truly, truly, I say to you, unless a grain of wheat falls into the earth and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies, it bears much fruit.” – John…
LCC youth gatherings announce date changes
CANADA – The co-chairs of the Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) National Youth Gathering (NYG) and the co-chairs of the IMPACT Youth Gathering (formerly the ABC District Youth Gathering) have released a video talking about the upcoming change to the dates for both gatherings. At the beginning…
Lutheran Church–Canada Statement Concerning Racism
June 4, 2020 The issue of racism is in many people’s eyes these days as a result of the numerous demonstrations and protests taking place as a result of the tragic death of George Floyd in Minneapolis at the hands of law enforcement officers. Racism…
Tiger King: Why we need a Saviour
by Ted Giese Sometimes certain stories bubble to the surface of the public consciousness only under the right circumstances. The tragic and unfortunate story of Joe Schreibvogel has been growing slowly for years through documentary films like 2013’s Joe Exotic – The Tiger King and…
Pandemic Relief Aid in Cambodia
CAMBODIA – As we know, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused grief and pain in all parts of the world, particularly causing great suffering among people living in countries that are least able to confront the disease. Cambodia is one of those countries. Recognizing the…