Category: Headline
Request for prayers for Fort McMurray and surrounding communities amid flooding
by Keith Haberstock ALBERTA – Every 20 years or so Fort McMurray goes through a major flood as our three converging rivers form a major ice jam that forces waters to flow back into the city. That’s what began Sunday morning on April 26, 2020….
Joint CLS/CLTS Faculty Retreat at Bragg Creek
ALBERTA – For the first time in over a dozen years, the faculties of both Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) seminaries – Concordia Lutheran Seminary (CLS) and Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary (CLTS) – met near Bragg Creek, Alberta, on faculty retreat from March 9-12, 2020. Significant…
Impact of COVID-19 on Ukrainian and Russian Lutherans
by Oleksiy Navrotskyy UKRAINE – Information on the COVID-19 pandemic, and the quarantine requirements stated by our civil government, have largely been met with skepticism and mistrust by many Christians living in Ukraine. What might appear to be a strange reaction from Ukrainian Christians actually stems…
A letter from LCC president to pastors concerning the Lord’s Supper during the pandemic
April 21, 2020 Dear Brothers and Fellow Workers in the Gospel, As I mentioned in my previous letter of April 17, our President’s Ministry Council discussed various concerns and issues that have been raised in connection with celebrating the Lord’s Supper during these challenging and…
A message from LCC’s President to those impacted by the mass-murder in Nova Scotia
The hearts and thoughts and prayers of all the pastors and members of the congregations of Lutheran Church–Canada go out to the families of those impacted by the tragic and senseless mass-murder in Nova Scotia. May our risen Lord Jesus comfort them in their grief,…
Lord, Teach Us To Pray
by Thomas M. Winger Jesus’ three-year earthly ministry was saturated with prayer. He regularly escaped from the crowds to commune with His Father in prayer. It seems quite remarkable to us that one who fully knew the mind of God, as the second Person…