Category: Headline
The Times In Which We Live
by David Haberstock It was once said that the men of Issachar “had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do” (1 Chronicles 12:32). What ought we to do in our times? That’s the big question, isn’t it? But in order…
LCC congregations and affiliates respond to increased Lutheran Brazilian immigration
CANADA – As the increased Brazilian presence in Canada becomes more evident, members of Lutheran Church–Canada are responding. A recent rise in Lutheran Brazilian immigration has been especially prominent in Saskatchewan, through Rev. Lucas Albrecht, and in Montreal, through Rev. Dr. David Somers. Both Rev….
LCC military chaplain conducts Religious Leader Engagement with ELCL archbishop
RIGA, LATVIA – On February 4, 2020, Lutheran Church–Canada’s (LCC) Canadian Armed Forces military chaplain, Lieutenant (Navy) David Jackson conducted a Religious Leader Engagement (RLE) with Archbishop Jānis Vanags of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Latvia (ELCL). Meeting with the Lutheran Archbishop of Riga, and…
Public Worship and the Coronavirus (COVID-19): A statement from LCC’s president
Public Worship and the Coronavirus (COVID-19): A Statement from the President of Lutheran Church–Canada The coronavirus (COVID-19) that is sweeping around the world has, at the time I write these words, resulted in the deaths of more than 3,000 people and infected more than 90,000…
Berlin pastor highlights plight of Christian converts from Islam in Germany
GERMANY – In late 2019, Rev. Dr. Gottfried Martens, pastor of Trinity Lutheran Church in Berlin, released his annual circular, highlighting systemic discrimination in Germany when deciding the refugee claims of Iranian and Afghan converts to Christianity. “The acceptance rate for Christian refugees is…
Online Churches, Robot Priests: Contemporary Technology and the Church
by Mathew Block In 2017, hundreds of thousands of Protestants (Lutherans included) travelled to Wittenberg, Germany to celebrate the 500th anniversary of the Reformation. For many, it was no doubt a pilgrimage of sorts, with visitors hoping to spend their time connecting more deeply…