Category: Headline
Why I am a Lutheran
by Mathew Block Why am I a Lutheran? It’s about the Gospel. It’s about a God, looking with love on a broken creation—looking at sinful humanity and knowing they can’t save themselves. So He steps down, takes their weakness, their sin upon Himself and suffers…
CLS seeking applications for full-time faculty member
EDMONTON – Concordia Lutheran Seminary (Edmonton) seeks to call a full-time faculty member specializing in Old Testament Theology but able to teach in other theological disciplines as well. Candidates meriting serious consideration will be ordained pastors of Lutheran Church-Canada or one of its partner-churches possessing…
LCC launches Reformation anniversary website
ONLINE – Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) has launched a new website sharing information and resources related to the 500th anniversary of the Reformation, which will be celebrated in 2017. You can visit the website at “As we head towards 2017, there is renewed public interest…
Seminaries welcome new students as school year begins
CANADA – The new school year is well underway at Lutheran Church–Canada’s two seminaries, with both schools welcoming a number of new students. Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary (CLTS) in St. Catharines, Ontario held its first full day of classes on September 6, while Concordia Lutheran…
Grace Lutheran in Osoyoos closes school
OSOYOOS, B.C. – On August 28, Grace Lutheran Church brought its twenty-six year ministry with Good Shepherd Christian School to an end, as Rev. Darren Siegle, at the request of the chairman, closed the school in the name of the Father, Son, and the Holy…
Goerz appointed ABC District News Editor
ALBERTA/BRITISH COLUMBIA – The Alberta-British Columbia District has appointed a new editor for the ABC District News section of The Canadian Lutheran. Laura Goerz has accepted the position, beginning with the November-December issue of the magazine. Goerz is a regular contributor to Tapestry, the national…