Category: Headline
Fort McMurray Wildfire: Pray and Give
UPDATE: The Canadian Lutheran published an update on the situation in Fort McMurray and how Lutherans are helping on May 13, 2016. UPDATE: As of May 10, reports indicate that approximately 2,400 houses and other buildings have been destroyed in Fort McMurray. The nearby communities…
LAMP receives RSO status from the LCMS
CANADA – On April 28, 2016, Lutheran Association of Missionaries and Pilots (LAMP) announced that it had received Recognized Service Organization (RSO) status with The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS). “This allows LAMP to widen our ministry presence to better serve the communities of northern Canada,”…
Lutherans take home awards at 2016 Canadian Church Press Awards
CANADA – The 2016 Canadian Church Press (CCP) awards ceremony was held April 29, 2016 in Toronto, and Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) members received three awards. Rev. Dr. Edward Kettner’s article “Martin Luther: Father of the Reformation” (September/October 2015) received second place in the Biographical Profile…
Loving the Stranger: A Basic Christian Value
by James Morgan We all know people with beliefs and lifestyle choices that are different than our own. Even within the Christian faith we see differences of belief—yes, even within Lutheranism. While we must defend pure doctrine and holy living, does that mean we ought…
Food drive leads to community outreach
WINNIPEG – Peace Lutheran Church in Winnipeg recently executed its first food drive in an effort to achieve a ministry of presence in its community. The congregation’s board of evangelism organized the event to increase the visibility of Peace Lutheran Church to neighbouring households and…
New Structures: Thinking and Praying
by Robert Bugbee The first Christian congregation had a problem its members did not foresee at first. Their church grew, and fast. It worked in two languages. Its primary leaders came from one of those language groups. Widows from the other group (who spoke Greek)…