Category: Headline
2015 Mission Newsletter now available
ONLINE – Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) is pleased to announce the release of its 2015 Mission Newsletter, highlighting this year’s mission work around the world. “Our Synod’s current triennial theme is is taken from Psalm 62:5: ‘Come To Him Who Answers Prayer,’” notes Rev. Dr. Leonardo…
Just in Time
by Peggy Pedersen “When the time had fully come, God sent His Son.” – Galatians 4:4 – One feature of non-Abrahamic religions is a cyclical view of time, but the Old Testament teaches that time is linear and progressive. Indeed, the very idea of progress…
Honouring Your Father: Star Wars and the Fourth Commandment
by Ted Giese At this point, writing anything about Star Wars is like adding a drop of water into the ocean. Even so, as people welcome Star Wars: The Force Awakens (Episode VII), it’s worth taking a look at the previous films, particularly the original…
Christmas Worship Services 2015
CANADA – For those traveling during the Christmas season, it can be difficult to find out the times and locations of worship services. For that reason, Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) is listing online the seasonal worship service times for its churches across the country. Visit LCC’s…
Breaking through our darkness
by Robert Bugbee “The people walking in the dark will see a great light.” – Isaiah 9:2 AAT When 2015 passes into the history books, it will not be remembered as a bright spot. Not in the world in general. And not in our church….
Ethiopian Oromos facing persecution, request prayer
WINNIPEG – On December 10, Winnipeg’s Oromo Christian Fellowship staged a peaceful protest in Winnipeg at the Manitoba Legislature to draw attention to the plight of Oromo people in Ethiopia, who are facing a violent crackdown from the government. “The Ethiopian government has a plan…