Category: Headline
Ethiopian Oromos facing persecution, request prayer
WINNIPEG – On December 10, Winnipeg’s Oromo Christian Fellowship staged a peaceful protest in Winnipeg at the Manitoba Legislature to draw attention to the plight of Oromo people in Ethiopia, who are facing a violent crackdown from the government. “The Ethiopian government has a plan…
Welcoming the Prince of Peace in a World of War
by Harold Ristau In light of public response to recent terrorist activity in Europe and elsewhere, we see how powerful fear can be. Although “perfect love casts out fear” (1 John 4:18), our Christian walk is often characterized not by love but instead by doubt….
Give a gift that matters with Gifts from the Heart
CANADA – Every year, Canadian Lutheran World Relief (CLWR) offers Canadians the opportunity to change lives at Christmas through the Gifts from the Heart program. The Gifts from the Heart catalogue contains gifts “that symbolically represent the work of CLWR,” promotional material explains. “Gift purchases…
Free Quest Course: Nazism and Religion
ONLINE – Concordia Lutheran Seminary (CLS – Edmonton) is preparing to offer another course in its popular Quest series. Rev. Dr. John Hellwege (CLS Assistant Professor of Theology) will present on “Nazism and Religion” on the evenings of January 12, 19, 26, and February 2….
A Time to Wait
by Thomas Prachar Patience. It is much easier said than done. As someone once prayed, “Lord, I need patience—and I want it now!” As we wait in the grocery store checkout line, or crawl along in traffic, or wait our turn in the hospital’s emergency…
Re-Forming Our Church: Restructuring Update December 2015
by William R.A. Ney The Commission on Constitutional Matters and Structure (CCMS), having been given a strong mandate from the last Synodical Convention and all three District Conventions to put forward a plan to restructure Lutheran Church–Canada, has made a major move forward in that…