Category: Headline
Looking at the Lord’s Prayer Another Way
by John Kreutzwieser “Now Jesus was praying in a certain place, and when He finished, one of His disciples said to Him, ‘Lord, teach us to pray, as John taught his disciples.’ And Jesus said to them, ‘When you pray, say:…” (Luke 11:1-2) It was…
LCC congregations hold VBS, workshops in Nicaragua
NICARAGUA – In November 2023, 248 children at Vacation Bible School events and 60 women at Advent workshops from six Lutheran Church Synod of Nicaragua (ILSN) churches greeted a 2023 Nicaragua mission team that included five members of Faith Lutheran in Kitchener, Ontario, along with…
“Saturday at the Sem” to take place at CLS in May
EDMONTON – Concordia Lutheran Seminary (CLS) in Edmonton will host “Saturday at the Sem” on May 4, a special event for people interested in exploring the possibility of serving in ministry. “Curious about a career in ministry?” the seminary asks in an announcement. “Join us…
In Review: Dune: Part Two
by Ted Giese Focusing on the second half of Frank Herbert’s 1965 science fiction novel, Denis Villeneuve’s Dune: Part Two chronicles the rise to power of a young prince thought dead. This occurs after the tragic extermination of his father and people by their sworn…
A House of Prayer
by Mathew Block In his Gospel, St. Matthew tells us that the death of Christ was accompanied by a series of miracles: unnatural darkness (27:45); an earthquake (27:51); and even a number of dead people who were brought back to life (27:52). But amidst these…
What is of First Importance?
by Timothy Teuscher When it comes to our personal lives there are many things that are of first importance to us. To the one who is unemployed, what is of first importance is finding a good-paying job. For the person reaching the end of her…