Category: Headline
Heaven is For Real: Heart-warming film without a heavenly road-map
by Ted Giese Pulling into the number two spot at the box office on Easter weekend was the Christian-themed film Heaven is For Real, based on the popular book by the same name. The film, like the book, tells the story of young Colton Burpo…
The Emmaus Road
by Rev. Arron Gust On that first day of the resurrection it must have been a long, slow seven miles from Jerusalem to Emmaus. That is, for Cleopas and the other guy. We don’t know much about the other guy, but some believe Cleopas to…
Greek New Testaments needed for Nicaragua
NICARAGUA – Lutheran Church–Canada has long supported the theological education program of its partner church, the Lutheran Church Synod of Nicaragua. In keeping with that tradition, Rev. Brian Dunlop of Faith Lutheran (Desboro, Ontario) will be traveling to Nicaragua to teach a series of courses…
Easter keeps you moving
by Robert Bugbee “Therefore, beloved brothers of mine, become firm, unmoveable people, overflowing in the Lord’s work always, knowing that your toil in the Lord is not for nothing” (1 Corinthians 15:58). You may recall scenes from the blockbuster film Titanic back in 1997. As…
by Peggy Pedersen “Hallelujah” is a transliteration of a Hebrew word. The Greek is “alleluia.” Both mean Praise Yah—a shortened form of Yahweh, the Holy Name of God. The word appears 24 times in the Book of Psalms. Because of its Hebrew origin, it has…
No Cross – No Crown!
by Paul Zabel “For narrow is the gate, and straight the way, that leads to life.” (Matthew 7:14) When I was attending the seminary in St. Louis, a popular gathering place for people was along the banks of the Mississippi River near the St. Louis…