Category: Headline
Easter keeps you moving
by Robert Bugbee “Therefore, beloved brothers of mine, become firm, unmoveable people, overflowing in the Lord’s work always, knowing that your toil in the Lord is not for nothing” (1 Corinthians 15:58). You may recall scenes from the blockbuster film Titanic back in 1997. As…
by Peggy Pedersen “Hallelujah” is a transliteration of a Hebrew word. The Greek is “alleluia.” Both mean Praise Yah—a shortened form of Yahweh, the Holy Name of God. The word appears 24 times in the Book of Psalms. Because of its Hebrew origin, it has…
No Cross – No Crown!
by Paul Zabel “For narrow is the gate, and straight the way, that leads to life.” (Matthew 7:14) When I was attending the seminary in St. Louis, a popular gathering place for people was along the banks of the Mississippi River near the St. Louis…
Convention business agenda set as committees meet
WINNIPEG – Three committees tasked with drafting resolutions for Lutheran Church–Canada’s (LCC) tenth convention met April 11-12 in Winnipeg. Chaired by LCC’s three district presidents, Rev. Tom Prachar (Central), Rev. Don Schiemann (ABC), and Rev. Paul Zabel (East), the members (drawn from the convention delegates)…
The Agony in the Garden
by Ted Giese Recently I had the privilege to take part in Canadian Lutheran World Relief’s (CLWR) 2014 Global Encounter, held in Israel and Palestine. In addition to visiting places like the Augusta Victoria Hospital and various Lutheran schools which are supported in part through…
Consultant change, administration outsourcing for WBP
WINNIPEG – The Board of Managers (BOM) of LCC’s Worker Benefit Plan (WBP) is very aware of the pressure employers are under to reduce costs. The BOM is thus doing its utmost to deliver programs efficiently and in the most cost-effective manner possible. While the BOM…