Category: Headline
The thinking Christian
by Bill Anderson “In the beginning was the Word (Idea), and the Word (Idea) was with God, and the Word (Idea) was God” (John 1:1). The Lord our God created a big beautiful world of ideas. But there are many dangerous ideas out there too….
Concordia High School to close permanently
(On August 20, the Concordia High School (CHS) Board of Governors announced that CHS would be closing immediately and permanently. What follows is the statement released by the Concordia High School Board of Governors). Edmonton – It is with deepest regret that the Concordia High…
LCC’s first treasurer called home
On the afternoon of August 16, Ken G. Werschler passed on to glory following a brief stay in hospital. Ken was Lutheran Church–Canada’s (LCC) first treasurer, and served four terms in that position before retiring in 1999. He is survived by his wife Dot and their…
A long-distance relationship: Technology and far-flung parishes
by James Morgan To call the East District’s Ottawa Circuit big is an understatement. It includes not only every Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) parish in Ottawa, but also Timmins (Ontario) and all of Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island. Previously, pastors in LCC’s…
Vocation: The spirituality of ordinary life
by Gene Edward Veith Many people today are bored with ordinary life; they want life to be extraordinary. Some try to escape their meaningless humdrum lives by keeping themselves entertained, by anesthetizing themselves with alcohol or drugs, by breaking up their marriages, or even by…
Nueva Vida Women’s Artisanry Initiative
COSTA RICA – The Nueva Vida Women’s Artisanry Initiative is based in Cartago, Costa Rica. Operating since 2011, the initiative gathers local community women in a holistic approach, through involvement in Bible study, prayer, worship, fellowship, and the production and distribution of handicrafts. The initiative…