Category: Headline
Darkness and light remembered in Berlin
For many a 50-year commemoration is cause for celebration. In Germany, however, Saturday, August 13 marks the fiftieth anniversary of the construction of the Berlin Wall by the communist East German government. Remembering the event, the Selbständige Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche (SELK), Lutheran Church–Canada’s partner church, will…
LCC explores overseas mission team partnership
For the past ten years Lutheran Church–Canada’s mission in Nicaraguaand Iglesia Luterana Sínondo de Nicaragua have benefitted from visiting mission teams organized by Mission Opportunities Short Term (MOST) Ministries. As another Canadian team prepares to work on a water project in Nicaragua in November, MOST…
British church leader identifies cause of riots
by Reginald Quirk Dramatic television pictures leave the impression Britain’s capital is ablaze in a re-enactment of the Great Fire of London. The incidents, although unsettling and awful, are isolated. Beginning with a peaceful demonstration hijacked by rioters in North London last week, on subsequent…
Make plans to visit Winnipeg in 2013
The countdown clock for Lutheran Church–Canada’s 2013 National Youth Gathering began ticking as the organizing committee held its first meeting July 25-27 in Winnipeg. Under the leadership of Deacon Michael Gillingham (DPS, Bethel Sherwood Park, Alta.) the volunteer committee discussed location, theme, potential speakers and…
ROC on in B.C.
Vancouver is the site for the first Regional Outreach Conference (ROC) in Canada presented by Lutheran Hour Ministries and the ABC District. Scheduled for October 14-15, 2011, the conference will provide a memorable outreach experience. Participants will have access to mission specialists engaged in creative projects…
God’s Word for young readers
Little Lutherans now have a new way to learn about God’s Word and the wonderful message it contains. Concordia Publishing House (CPH), the St. Louis-based publishing arm of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod has released The Story Bible, designed to help children ages 3 to 8…