Category: Headline

August 9, 2011

Make plans to visit Winnipeg in 2013

The countdown clock for Lutheran Church–Canada’s 2013 National Youth Gathering began ticking as the organizing committee held its first meeting July 25-27 in Winnipeg. Under the leadership of Deacon Michael Gillingham (DPS, Bethel Sherwood Park, Alta.) the volunteer committee discussed location, theme, potential speakers and…

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July 28, 2011

ROC on in B.C.

Vancouver is the site for the first Regional Outreach Conference (ROC) in Canada presented by Lutheran Hour Ministries and the ABC District. Scheduled for October 14-15, 2011, the conference will provide a memorable outreach experience. Participants will have access to mission specialists engaged in creative projects…

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July 27, 2011

God’s Word for young readers

Little Lutherans now have a new way to learn about God’s Word and the wonderful message it contains.  Concordia Publishing House (CPH), the St. Louis-based publishing arm of The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod has released The Story Bible, designed to help children ages 3 to 8…

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July 26, 2011

Responding to famine in Somalia and gunfire in Norway

by Ian Adnams What a troubling week for our troubled world. First, news of famine in East Africa and then the horrific murder of 76 persons in Norway. It’s heartbreaking enough for humans, but we can never imagine how these events must break the heart of God….

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July 26, 2011

Seeking nominations for the Prime Minister’s Volunteer Awards

Communities rely on strong support from a number of sources, including volunteers, businesses and not-for-profit organizations. That support could include activities like raising funds for community projects, giving employees time to volunteer or creating a new after-school program for at-risk youth, to list only a…

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July 25, 2011

Canadian Lutheran World Relief issues emergency appeal for East Africa drought victims

Canadian Lutheran World Relief (CLWR) is appealing for funds to provide relief for drought-affected people in East Africa. The lack of rain in Somalia, Ethiopia, and Kenya has created food and water shortages that threaten the lives of 11 million people. The World Food Program…

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