Category: Headline
Many Lutherans still support traditional marriage
Responding to a vote by delegates at the convention of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada (ELCIC) meeting in Saskatoon, July 15 and 16 which authorizes its pastors to conduct same-gender marriages and finds sexual orientation no longer an issue for ordaining pastors, the leaders…
The Good Book: A Humanist Bible is not so good
by Michael Keith Most of the time if I dislike a book it’s because of either its content or style. Rarely is there a book which I dislike for both! The Good Book: A Humanist Bible “made by” A.C. Grayling is such a book. (Published by…
CLWR responds to East Africa drought through Foodgrains Bank
Although images of emaciated children have only recently hit the news, Canadian Foodgrains Bank member agencies including Canadian Lutheran World Relief are already responding to the severe drought affecting parts of Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, and Somalia. Since May, the Foodgrains Bank, a partnership of 15…
Former East District president called to glory
KITCHENER, Ont. – The Lord called home former East District president Rev. Dr. Albin J. Stanfel, Thursday, July 7, 2011. Dr. Stanfel, who lived in Kitchener, was surrounded at the time of his death by his children Julie, Marty, and William. He served as president of the…
Communications change at LCC
After serving as Lutheran Church–Canada’s Director of Communications for almost 17 years, Dr. Ian Adnams has announced he is stepping down from the post effective November 1. He and his wife, Suzanne, are moving to Vancouver. “Words cannot describe how much I have enjoyed serving…
Planning begins for international conference
Members of the International Lutheran Council’s (ILC) executive committee concluded meetings today in Niagara Falls, Ontario, site of the 2012 ILC International conference. Under the chairmanship of Bishop Hans-Jörg Voigt of Germany’s Selbständige Evangelisch—Lutherische Kirche (SELK), the seven-member committee, along with interim executive secretary Rev. Dr. Ralph Mayan,…