Category: Headline
Seminaries respond to task force report
by James Morgan To shine further light on the current discussions across synod regarding the report from the Board of Directors’ Task force on Cost-efficient and Sustainable Seminary Education, Lutheran Church–Canada’s Board of Directors (BOD) has posted the responses it received from LCC’s two seminaries. …
Australian flooding now hammers Victoria State
by Keven Drews Lutherans living in the south-eastern Australian state of Victoria are now dealing with the worst flooding in 15 years. Heavy rains and floodwaters, which devastated Queensland and New South Wales states in late December and early January, have now hit the country’s…
Christians and depression: knowing who you are in Christ brings hope
by Colleen Hammermaster Carol (not her real name) was a church worker. She had a wonderful life…or so people thought. She appeared happy, successful, and had healthy, fulfilling relationships with others. However, that was just the appearance. The way she felt on the…
Ukraine seminary studies heat up!
by James Morgan Winter in Ukraine is not unlike here in Canada. Cold temperatures and the blustery weather make winter a season where warm clothes and heated buildings are an absolute must. This basic necessity was almost not there for students and staff at Concordia…
When faith and work are in conflict; the Saskatchewan case
by Edward Kettner You likely heard (or read) that the Saskatchewan Court of Appeals denied the appeal of a marriage commissioner in Saskatchewan, so that he could refuse to marry homosexual couples on the grounds that his religious beliefs forbid him to do so. This…
International Lutheran organization makes leadership changes
Stronger mutual understandings of doctrine, mission and charity among member churches of the International Lutheran Council (ILC) are some of the challenges identified by Rev. Hans-Jörg Voigt, new chairman of the confessional Lutheran association. Voigt is the bishop of Germany’s Selbständige Evangelisch–Lutherische Kirche (SELK), a…