Category: Headline
Life lived in perpetual Advent
by Ian Adnams Think back a year. The world was caught in the swirl of swine flu or, more correctly, H1N1 virus. People waited in vaccine lines. Everyone learned how to sneeze into their sleeves and relearned proper hand-washing techniques. When officials tallied the final…
REVIEW: Voyage of the Dawn Treader: An odyssey in faith
by Mathew Block In what is perhaps the best of the three Narnia films, The Voyage of the Dawn Treader brings to life all the adventure of the novel while maintaining the sense of religious significance which pervades C.S. Lewis’ classic children’s series. With excellent…
Synod Christmas tree sends a message
In a video report, President Robert Bugbee talks about how staff at LCC’s Synod office in Winnipeg support congregations while decorating the Christmas tree.
The truth about Old Saint Nick : Why Turkey means more than Christmas dinner
by Jim Chliboyko “East of Marmaris the coast loses most of its wrinkles and the Greek Islands are left behind,” reads the dog-eared copy of Lonely Planet’s West Asia on a Shoestring. “The coast is sprinkled with ruins… and it’s studded with beautiful beaches and…
Deathly Hallows speaks to the soul
by Ted Giese At dinner I said to my wife, “I saw something for my Christmas list … there’s a 25th anniversary Blue-ray edition of the Goonies.” She said it made her feel old. A half-hour later we were sitting in the movie theatre waiting…
“It’s a face!” Seminary professor uncovers ancient fresco
by Steve Chambers It was my biggest shock of the summer. “It’s a face!” I cried, after turning over the stone. There she was, staring up at me just as an ancient artist had painted her on the plaster still clinging to this large limestone…