Category: Headline
A Change in Focus
by Marvin Bublitz O God, the protector of all who trust in You, have mercy on us that with You as our ruler and guide we may so pass through things temporal that we lose not the things eternal; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our…
Return to the Lord your God
by Robert Mohns Several years ago, I spent about three months walking across the northern part of Spain. I left behind my family and friends, work, a familiar way of life, and all my possessions (save for a change of clothes and a few necessities),…
Getting to know LCC’s Dean of Military Chaplains
An Interview with DMC, Rev. Rod Buck What is your role and where do you serve? My name is Rev. Rod Buck and I am currently serving the parish and school of St. Matthew Lutheran Church in Stony Plain, Alberta. I have also been called…
Back to the Supper
by Warren Hamp We are coming, by the mercies of God, to the gradual ending of the COVID-19 pandemic. Much discussion is pouring out from all quarters about how our world, our country, and our church will look ‘post-pandemic.’ Many speak of a great ‘reset’…
Oromo Community Outreach in Canada
by Assefa Aredo CANADA – Since I arrived in Canada in 2001, it’s been my heart’s desire to plant a Lutheran church. While it took longer than I expected, God’s timing was better than I could have ever imagined. At the very end of…
The Green Knight—A Tale Tried, Tested, and Inverted
by Ted Giese This eerie and foreboding retelling of the epic late 14th-century Middle English poem Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is a purposeful inversion of the long-studied and revered anonymous work. While it diverges at some points from the general narrative of the…