Category: Mission News
Not-So-Short-Term Missions!
by Robert C. Krestick Every once in a while, I encounter a person or even a brother in the Holy ministry who thinks that Team Zion’s yearly mission trips to Leon and surrounding areas in Nicaragua are not “real” mission trips because they are labeled…
Pandemic Relief Aid in Cambodia
CAMBODIA – As we know, the COVID-19 pandemic has caused grief and pain in all parts of the world, particularly causing great suffering among people living in countries that are least able to confront the disease. Cambodia is one of those countries. Recognizing the…
Prayers requested for Nicaragua amid pandemic
by Olga Groh NICARAGUA – The pastors and deaconesses have informed us of the exponential increase in potential cases of COVID-19, occurring over the past few weeks in Nicaragua. Though the official government numbers in Nicaragua show a low number of cases – with 7…
Moments of Crisis in Nicaragua
by Odily Neyra Friday, May 8, 2020 May the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with each of our Lutheran brothers and sisters in Canada. My name is Odily Neyra. I am a wife and the mother to three beautiful children. I…
Something new in Cambodia
by Leonard Harms CAMBODIA – On June 13, 2016, a church body died and a new one began. The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Cambodia ceased to be because of problems of governance and an expired license with the Government of Cambodia. Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) was…
Feeding program in Nicaragua continues service amid pandemic
“Whoever has a good eye will be blessed, for he shares his bread with the poor.” Proverbs 22:9 NICARAGUA – As a result of the pandemic, the Church in Nicaragua has taken precautionary measures to keep their members and communities as safe as possible. Even…