Category: Mission News
Sharing the Gospel through Spanish comic books
LETHBRIDGE, AB – Special fundraisers and donations recently made it possible for Immanuel Lutheran Church to purchase 10,000 copies of Un hombre llamado Jesus: El vivió entre nosotros (“Who is this man called Jesus? He lived among us”). This Spanish-language 128 page booklet brings the stories and…
FaithLife Financial volunteer hours reach all-time high
WATERLOO, Ont. – The 360 chapters of FaithLife Financial and their members supported initiatives within their communities and around the world for a total of 90,732 volunteer hours in 2011—an all-time high the equivalent of $1,360,973.* President and CEO Karen Bjerland said, “I am very thankful…
Seeds planted by East District sprout in Quebec
by Rev. Dr. David H. Somers QUEBEC CITY, Que. – What happens to the generous offerings gathered by appeals such as the East District’s 125th anniversary special offering? Both ventures in outreach, two projects in Quebec yield different answers. In Quebec City, building on the co-operation…
Into Africa
by Mathew Block “We can see that our lives have changed significantly; they are better than they were before. And so our people say thank you.” These were the words which greeted participants of Canadian Lutheran World Relief’s (CLWR) “Global Encounter” program at a small…
First Oromo pastor celebrated at Central District Convention
At the Central District Convention of Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC), Rev. Assefa Nega Aredo was recognized and congratulated on his recent ordination. Rev. Dr. Leonardo Neitzel—LCC’s Executive for Mission and Social Ministry, and director of the Pastors with Alternate Training (PAT) program—presented Rev. Aredo with an Amharic-language edition of the Book…
Haiti: Two years later
by Ian Adnams With the speed of today’s news cycles the old adage “out of sight; out of mind” is more relevant than ever. Yet just because news gathering organizations are no longer interested in a story doesn’t mean it goes away. This is often the…