Category: Mission News
Fresh support for LCC missions
Thanks to a volunteer mission organization, sixteen Lutheran Church–Canada mission projects may become a reality in 2011. At its annual general meeting in Calgary, February 6, Concordia Lutheran Mission Society (CLMS) chose to support 16 projects from home and overseas challenging its members and donors…
Missionary sends encouraging message
As Concordia Lutheran Mission Society (CLMS) gathers in Calgary this weekend for its annual meeting, LCC missionary Rev. Alexey Navrotsky has sent a video report expressing the thanks of Lutherans in Ukraine for the society’s support. The video shows scenes of various projects supported by…
Ukraine seminary studies heat up!
by James Morgan Winter in Ukraine is not unlike here in Canada. Cold temperatures and the blustery weather make winter a season where warm clothes and heated buildings are an absolute must. This basic necessity was almost not there for students and staff at Concordia…
Synod convention in Ukraine elects new council; plans for future
The annual convention of the Synod of Evangelical Lutheran Churches of Ukraine (SELCU) met at the new Concordia Seminary building in Usatovo, a suburb of Odessa, November 23-25. The convention began with an opening service during which Bishop Gräfenstein preached on Genesis 45:24 with the…
Changes reported in overseas missions
“We are learning to do overseas mission with fewer dollars,” Lutheran Church–Canada’s mission executive Dr. Leonardo Neitzel reported to synod’s Board of Directors. His comment came as the board listened to him explain that LCC can no longer afford to support a full-time missionary in…
Fire devastates Dnepropetrovsk church
On October 22, Pastor Alexey Navrotsky (Lutheran Church–Canada’s missionary in Ukraine) sent an alarming e-mail. He reported that an electrical fire the previous evening destroyed much of the Central Evangelical Christian Baptist Church in Dnepropetrovsk. This is only the latest chapter in the dramatic story…