Category: Mission News
Micro-finance project helps families in Nicaragua
Read about LCC/ILSN project that provide small loans of up to $500 U.S. to pastors and deaconesses and their families for the establishment of a small family business.
Mayan concludes service as mission executive
With the installation of Dr. Leonardo Neitzel as the new LCC mission executive, former Synod President Dr. Ralph Mayan concluded his work in that post on September 30. Dr. Mayan, who had served as LCC President from 1996-2008, took on the mission portfolio along with…
News from Nicaragua
Nicaragua medical clinic serving hundreds and mission centre will harvest first corn crop. Read the latest at
Mission grants increased by LWMLC
Lutheran Women’s Missionary League-Canada (LWMLC) meeting in convention in Ottawa July 9-12, 2009 under the convention theme “Shine Like Stars” increased its mission grant goal by $25,000 to $125,000 . In addition the women raised more than $13,000 from a walk for missions. Subject to…
New mission event blog
Members of congregational volunteer mission teams who visit Nicaragua are telling of their experiences at Currently, a team from Holy Cross, Kitchener is in Nicaragua and have reports posted.
Summer in Ukraine
The Association of Evangelical Lutheran Churches in Ukraine has asked LCC to form a young adults outreach team for 2009. The team usually spends July and the first two weeks of August conducting VBS programs and youth/young adult retreats. Interested persons can contact Wanda Bychuk…