Category: Mission News
Ukraine Update: Serving God by serving His people
UKRAINE – The following update is provided by Rev. Valery Verba of the Synod of Evangelical Lutheran Churches in Ukraine (SELCU), a partner church of Lutheran Church–Canada: The story I want to share is not over yet, but I pray this chapter will end soon….
Ukraine Update: Day 26 of Russian invasion
UKRAINE – The following update is provided by Rev. Oleksiy Navrotskyy, Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) Missionary to the Ukraine and was written on March 21, 2022: It is 26th day of Russian aggression against Ukraine. More than 3 million Ukrainians (mostly women and children) have had…
Ukraine Update: Day 10 of Russian Invasion
UKRAINE – Rev. Roland Syens, Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) pastor emeritus and former LCC Missionary-at-Large to Ukraine, has written the following letter providing further updates concerning the people and pastors of the Synod of Evangelical Lutheran Churches in Ukraine (SELCU): Today as I write it is…
LCC Urges Prayer for Ukraine
UKRAINE – Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) is urging prayer for Ukraine given recent tensions in the region. “Military tension is high here—almost sensed in the air—like never before,” noted Rev. Oleksiy Navrotskyy, Missionary-at-Large for LCC and the Synod of Evangelical Lutheran Churches in Ukraine (SELCU). “Many…
Rebuilding in Ukraine
DNEPRO, Ukraine – Rev. Sergey Bevz, pastor of Living Water Lutheran Church, a member congregation of the Synod of Evangelical Lutheran Churches in Ukraine (SELCU), has reported that the rebuilding of the church progressed to the point of being ready for this winter. A few years ago, the roof of the sanctuary…
LCC Missions: What’s in the works?
ONLINE – Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) Missions webpages are expanding! More information on both LCC’s International and Domestic Missions is being added to the website on an ongoing basis, in an effort to enhance awareness of the work we do together as a synod across the…