Category: National News
Former BC Mission Boat Executive Director called home
PARKSVILLE, B.C. – Kathy Bender, former Executive Director and Missionary with the BC Mission Boat Society (BCMBS) passed away April 18 after a five year struggle with cancer. In an announcement on its Facebook page, the BC Mission Boat Society called Kathy “a great friend.” “We…
BOD member called to glory
WEST KELOWNA, B.C. – On the morning of April 16, 2013, Frances (Frank) Patrick Belden entered into glory. Frank was elected as a lay-member to Lutheran Church–Canada’s (LCC) Board of Directors at the 2011 convention, and served until late February 2013 when he resigned after being diagnosed…
Ministry as Curiosity conference
GUELPH, Ontario – Lutheran Church–Canada’s Committee for the Care of Church Workers and their Families is sponsoring a “Ministry as Curiosity” conference June 18-20 at Guelph Bible Conference Centre. “Traditions, values, and even institutions that were the mainstays of life are shifting,” writes Rev. David…
LCC boards hard at work
WINNIPEG – Last week saw a number of Lutheran Church–Canada’s (LCC) boards and committees meeting at the national office in Winnipeg. The Planning Committee of 2013’s National Youth Gathering was the first group to meet during the week. Members began their work Monday, Skyping in…
LCC Board of Directors welcomes new members
WINNIPEG – The Board of Directors (BOD) of Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) appointed Rev. Rudy Pastucha (Saskatoon, Saskatchewan) as synod’s Third Vice-President at a conference call March 22. At the same meeting, the BOD appointed Grace Henderson (Leduc, Alberta) to serve as Voting Lay Member on…
Bishop Schöne to present at LCC national church workers’ conference
CALGARY – Rev. Dr. Jobst H. M. Schöne, retired Bishop of the Independent Evangelical Lutheran Church (SELK) of Germany, will be the major presenter at the 2013 Pastors’ and Deacons’ Conference of Lutheran Church-Canada (LCC), it was announced by LCC President Robert Bugbee. The conference…