Category: National News
LCC hosts CLWR board meeting
WINNIPEG – Canadian Lutheran World Relief (CLWR) met March 14-16 at Lutheran Church–Canada’s (LCC) office in Winnipeg for the biannual meeting of its Board of Directors. “Canadian Lutheran World Relief does important work in relief and development around the world,” said LCC’s President Robert Bugbee….
ROC registration now open
WINNIPEG – Registration is now open for Reach Out Canada. This year marks the 25th anniversary since Lutheran Church–Canada’s (LCC) founding convention in 1988. As LCC honours its past, it also looks forward to the future, planning its first ever national outreach conference—Reach Out Canada—to…
Interview with LCC chaplain
BURLINGTON, Ontario – In November 2012, Rev. Dr. Harold Ristau appeared as a guest on Canadian television program 100 Huntley Street to talk about his book At peace with war: A chaplain’s meditations from Afghanistan. That interview was recently made available to watch online. Padre…
National conference to focus deeply on pastoral letter
CALGARY – Planning for Lutheran Church–Canada’s (LCC) second national Pastors and Deacons Conference took a major step forward at a day-long meeting of the planning committee February 22 in Calgary. President Robert Bugbee and committee members, Rev. David Bode (Alberta-British Columbia); Rev. Arron Gust (Central);…
Lenten devotions from Lutheran Hour Ministries
ONLINE – Lutheran Hour Ministries (LHM) has released new devotions for Lent, which begins today on Ash Wednesday. The devotions are being made available online through LHM’s website in a variety of formats. Entitled “From the Cradle to the Empty Grave,” the series is available…
Lutheran Church–Canada and Roman Catholics begin talks
NIAGARA FALLS, Ontario – Representatives of Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) and the Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (CCCB) met together February 1 in an attempt to chart a course for formal talks between LCC and the CCCB. Participants of the Working Group have suggested “Christian marriage”…