Category: National News
Video: International Lutheran Laymen’s League convention sermon
SASKATOON, Sask. – At the end of July, nearly 600 people from across North America converged on Saskatoon for the 94th International Convention of the International Lutheran Laymen’s League. President Robert Bugbee was invited to preach at the convention’s opening worship service. He chose for…
World Lutheran leaders to meet in Canada
NIAGARA FALLS, Ontario – For the first time in its nearly twenty-year history, the International Lutheran Council (ILC) will meet in Canada for its triennial conference. From September 16-21, church leaders from 33 confessional Lutheran church bodies around the world will gather in Niagara Falls,…
Website for youth and young adults launched
For years, Lutheran Women’s Missionary League—Canada (LWML-Canada) has offered a devotional for recent high school graduates entitled Now What?. When LWML-Canada decided in 2011 it was time for an update, they approached the original booklet’s author Lynn Gergens. While the new project–Glimpses of Grace—includes the…
LCC’s first treasurer called home
On the afternoon of August 16, Ken G. Werschler passed on to glory following a brief stay in hospital. Ken was Lutheran Church–Canada’s (LCC) first treasurer, and served four terms in that position before retiring in 1999. He is survived by his wife Dot and their…
A letter from the Discipleship Task Force Comittee
At the 2008 convention, Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) adopted Resolution 08.02.05 which called on the president to appoint a task force to “Provide Biblically-Based Materials and Resources on Christian Discipleship.” In February 2012, the Discipleship Task Force Committee met for the first time in Winnipeg. The…
Commisioning full-time chaplain
by Chuck Cooley Penticton, B.C. – Rev. Capt. Vic Morris, Pastor of Concordia Lutheran Church in Penticton, B.C. was Commissioned as a Missionary Chaplain of Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) for the Canadian Armed Forces in a Farewell and Godspeed Service June 24. Padre Morris accepted an…