Category: National News
Popular Articles of 2022 from The Canadian Lutheran
ONLINE – As we transition into 2023, The Canadian Lutheran is looking back at some of the popular feature articles frequented on our website over the past year. Interestingly, some articles that were popular in 2022 were actually pulled from our archives. One of the…
C.T. Wetzstein Donor Advised Fund calls for proposals to support 2023 Christian education in Canada
Regina, SK – The C.T. Wetzstein Donor Advised Fund in support of Christian Education is calling for proposals for 2023—its seventh year of financially supported confessional Lutheran education projects through Lutheran schools and other ministries in Canada. Application may be made using the supplied application form and…
Independent investigation concludes
Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) today announced the resignation of Todd Guggenmos from the pastoral ministry of LCC and from the congregations he served as pastor, following the completion of an independent investigation into allegations of online misconduct made against him. That investigation has concluded: That Guggenmos…
Reflections from LCC/LLL-C’s Summer Internship 2022
CANADA – Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) and Lutheran Laymen’s League of Canada (LLL-C) teamed up again to offer a paid, part-time internship opportunity for the second summer in a row. Here are some reflections from our interns and their supervisors from the summer of 2022: Lisa…
LCC’s twelfth triennial youth gathering takes place in Winnipeg
by Michelle Heumann The 2022 National Youth Gathering – LCC’s twelfth – took place in Winnipeg on July 15 to 19. The NYG’s mission statement is “providing opportunities for Lutheran youth to grow in faith and relationship with others as the body of Christ,” and…
New online resources: Worship Terminology and Hymn of the Day
NATIONAL – Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC)’s online content continues to expand, featuring two new resource pages on its website, developed through LCC’s internship this past summer: Worship Terminology and Hymn of the Day. Andrew Hayes, LCC’s summer 2022 intern, is a talented musician working towards his…