Category: National News
Worker Benefit Services Board responds to challenges
Multi Employer Pension Plan Status: In a major development, after years of work, the Worker Benefit Services (WBS) board was informed at its fall meeting, that the Alberta Pension Regulator had approved the request of LCC to have our defined pension plan designated as a…
LCC 2022 Financial Assistance documents now available online
CANADA – Packages for Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) congregations and ministries requesting financial assistance for 2022 have been sent out by mail and email. The package includes the application form and timeline for the process. Completed applications are to be returned to the appropriate Regional…
Six CCCA Awards for The Canadian Lutheran
CANADA – The Canadian Christian Communicators Association (CCCA) held its annual Awards of Excellence on April 7, 2021, and The Canadian Lutheran received six awards: First Place (From the Editor), Second Place (Media Review), Third Place (Magazine Feature), Third Place (Biblical/Theological Reflection), Third Place (Opinion),…
Vulnerable groups at risk as Canada expands physician assisted suicide
CANADA – The move by Canada’s federal government to extend legal physician assisted suicide and euthanasia has been met with widespread concern that the most vulnerable in our society are being placed at risk. On March 17, 2021, Bill C-7 received royal assent, following a…
LWMLC plans online convention
ONLINE – Lutheran Women’s Missionary League-Canada (LWMLC) will hold its upcoming national convention online from July 8-11, 2021. The theme of the convention is “Christ Lives in Me” (Galatians 2:20). The LWMLC’s National Council decided in September that, as a result of uncertainty related to…
Synod offers website development services for LCC congregations
NATIONAL – Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) is now offering website development and hosting services for LCC congregations. This service is free and includes a customized domain under LCC’s Network of Sites. Congregations who have already purchased a domain for their congregational website can also choose to…