Category: National News
Christmas Worship Services 2017
CANADA – For those traveling during the Christmas season, it can be difficult to find out the times and locations of local worship services. Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) is hoping to make it a little less complicated by posting seasonal worship times for its churches across…
New Bylaws and Constitution documents now available
CANADA – Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) has released the new versions of its Statutory Bylaws, Synodical Bylaws, and Synodical Constitution which were adopted by the 2017 synodical convention. The amendments to these documents were previously released in the official convention proceedings, but the finalized version of…
LCC releases materials for congregational vote on Synodical Constitution amendments
CANADA – Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) has released a package of resource materials for congregations as they prepare to vote on changes to the synodical constitution adopted at the 2017 synodical convention. “These proposed changes in structure were all adopted by the 2017 LCC Convention by…
Reading the Word of God: LCC, LCMS, and NALC partner together to encourage Bible reading
ONLINE – Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) has partnered with The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) and the North American Lutheran Church (NALC) to develop a Bible reading plan entitled Reading the Word of God. “In order to encourage the people of our church bodies in the daily…
LCC seeks Missions Executive
WINNIPEG – The Board of Directors of Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) is seeking nominations for an Executive Assistant to the President for Mission and Social Ministry Services. He shall be called by the Board of Directors upon recommendation of the personnel committee and with the consent…
Installation service set for LCC President, Board of Directors
WINNIPEG – The Installation Service for Rev. Timothy Teuscher as President of Lutheran Church–Canada is set for Sunday, January 28, at 3:00 p.m. in Saint James Lutheran Church, Winnipeg. The Service will also include the installation of newly-elected and continuing members of the LCC Board…