Category: National News
Life Sunday 2014
CANADA – While much of the Canadian landscape is frozen, snow-covered, and seemingly lifeless at this time of year, in our churches we remember how sacred human life is from conception to final breath. Sanctity of Life Sunday—also known as Life Sunday—will be held January…
Christmas Worship 2013
CANADA – For those traveling during the Christmas season, it can be difficult to find out the times and locations of worship services. For that reason, Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) is listing online the seasonal worship service times for its churches across the country. Visit LCC’s…
CLWR collects, ships sweaters for Syrian refugees
WINNIPEG – On November 29, Canadian Lutheran World Relief (CLWR) dispatched its first shipment of sweaters for Syrian refugees living in the Za’atari refugee camp in Jordan. The first shipment contained 22,508 sweaters, 1,707 pneumonia vests, 1,300 toys, and 60 soccer balls—an achievement made possible…
25 years for The CREW
by James Morgan It’s a crystal-clear contemporary Christian sound. That was the first thing that entered my mind when listening to The CREW for the first time. This quartet of LCC Lutherans from western Canada is celebrating 25 years of making music that not only…
Annual Pastor’s Desk Diary now available for order
ST. CATHARINES, Ontario – Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary has announced its annual pastor’s desk diary is now available for order. It contains readings from the three-year and one-year lectionaries, including variants for the major Lutheran churches in Canada (LCC, ELCIC, WELS). The original work of…
CLWR: Our treasured partner
by Robert Bugbee God’s people have agonized at times about what the Christian church’s mission is. What are we here for? What should we try to accomplish? Often the debates have focused on whether the Holy Christian Church should be spreading the Good News of…