Category: National News
Call for nominations for LCC’s 2014 National Convention
CANADA – As Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) begins preparations for 2014’s National Convention in Vancouver, B.C., the church is calling on its members to prayerfully consider nominations for synod’s boards and offices. In July, LCC sent a letter to all congregations inviting them to recommend candidates…
LWMLC celebrates 20 years: An interview with its first President
2013 marks the 20th Anniversary of Lutheran Women’s Missionary League–Canada (LWMLC). To mark the event, The Canadian Lutheran (CL) contacted LWMLC’s first president, Eloise Schaan (ES), to talk about the history of the mission organization and its bright future. Schaan served as president from 1993-1997….
Standing Firm and Reaching Out
by Ian Adnams and Mathew Block Five years ago, Lutheran Church–Canada’s (LCC) 2008 synodical convention voted to celebrate LCC’s 25th Anniversary with a national outreach-oriented event, to be held in conjunction with that year’s triennial National Youth Gathering (NYG). In the intervening years, LCC’s auxiliary,…
Canadian Lutheran publishes 1,000th article online
ONLINE – On August 14, The Canadian Lutheran published its 1,000th article online: “Job and the Monsters: A review of Pacific Rim.” The Canadian Lutheran, the national magazine of Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC), first began publishing online on January 9, 2009. Dr. Ian Adnams—president of The…
NYG an opportunity to strengthen church relations
WINNIPEG – When youth and leaders from across Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) gathered in Winnipeg for the National Youth Gathering (NYG), they were not alone: friends from the North American Lutheran Church (NALC) and the Lutheran Church of Australia (LCA) were also in attendance. Initial discussions…
25th Anniversary Worship Service
WINNIPEG – Twenty-five years ago in May 1988, pastors and congregational representatives from across Canada converged in Winnipeg to hold Lutheran Church–Canada’s (LCC) founding convention. The first weekend of July 2013 saw Lutherans converging on Winnipeg once again, as LCC celebrated its 25th anniversary. Hundreds…