Category: International News
Australian Bishop meets with LCC leaders
WINNIPEG – On September 29, Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) hosted Bishop John Henderson of the Lutheran Church of Australia (LCA) for a day of meetings. Meeting with Bishop Henderson on behalf of LCC were President Robert Bugbee, Rev. Dr. Leonardo Neitzel (LCC Executive for Missions and…
New protocol agreement for Cambodia
CAMBODIA – A new protocol agreement signed in September by the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Cambodia (ELCC), Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC), and The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) will guide the next three years of confessional Lutheran mission and ministry in Cambodia. President Vannarith Chhim of the…
Lutherans gather for international conference on disaster relief
USA – From September 23-26, The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod (LCMS) is hosting the 2014 Lutheran International Disaster Response Conference at Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne, Indiana. This year’s theme is “Standing Together in Time of Disaster,” and features experienced disaster responders offering important ministry…
Mozambique’s Lutherans eager for first ordinations
MOZAMBIQUE – Thanks to the work of the Kapasseni Project and other partners, Lutheran missions in Mozambique continue to flourish. Three new congregations have been established in the past year, with more than 100 people attending the first service in each new village. The Mozambique…
Ukrainian Lutherans band together in face of conflict
UKRAINE – While conflict continues to rock the eastern border of Ukraine, Lutherans are firm in their resolve to remain united, even as recent events have made that goal more difficult. Earlier this year, Ukrainian citizens of the Crimean Peninsula participated in a disputed…
Christian persecution in Iraq reaches new levels
IRAQ – For more than a year a militant Islamic movement, Islamic State (IS), formerly known as Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), has methodically captured territory in northern Iraq and Syria. The goal was to establish a caliphate (Islamic state), which it declared…