Category: International News
Christian persecution in 2013
by James Morgan WORLD – It is not the kind of list any country should want to be on. Open Doors, a non-denominational organization dedicated to assisting persecuted Christians around the world, has released its 2013 World Watch List. The list ranks the fifty countries where…
Missions in Mozambique: The harvest is ready
MOZAMBIQUE – Mission efforts in Mozambique have reached a new milestone, as theological students there have issued a call to the Igreja Evangélica Luterana do Brazil (IELB – Evangelical Lutheran Church of Brazil) for a full-time missionary pastor to come serve among them. The official…
Filipino Lutherans reunite
PHILIPPINES – The Lutheran Church in the Philippines (LCP) has achieved reunification after 24 years of division in the church. Delegates from the two factions came together for a conference October 23-26 in Antipolo City, and made the historic vote to reconcile October 26. “We…
Gifts from the Heart
WINNIPEG – Canadian Lutheran World Relief’s (CLWR) 2012 Gifts from the Heart program is already well underway. The September-October issue of The Canadian Lutheran included a catalogue insert highlighting ways Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) members can bless people in need through the annual CLWR fundraiser. “Purchasing…
LCC on the road: Growth in Ukraine
by Robert Bugbee Beloved sisters and brothers in Canada, After flights from Winnipeg to Toronto, Toronto to Frankfurt, Frankfurt to Vienna, and finally Frankfurt to Odessa, I arrived in Ukraine November 7. Bishop Viktor Graefenstein of the Synod of Evangelical Lutheran Churches in Ukraine (SELCU)…
“But the Lord God helps me” – ILC sermon now online
ONLINE – In September 2012, Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) hosted the Triennial Convention of the International Lutheran Council in Niagara Falls, Ontario. The opening worship service was held at Concordia Lutheran Theological Seminary (St. Catharines, Ontario) with President Robert Bugbee preaching. His sermon—drawn from Isaiah 50:4-10…