Category: International News
French Lutherans elect new president
The Église Évangélique Luthérienne—Synode de France (EELSF – Evangelical Lutheran Church—Synod of France) has elected a new president at its synodical convention May 18-20 in Châtenay-Malabry, France. Rev. Roger Jones, who serves Saint-Sauveur in Paris, was elected on the first ballot. President Jones formerly served the EELSF…
Into Africa
by Mathew Block “We can see that our lives have changed significantly; they are better than they were before. And so our people say thank you.” These were the words which greeted participants of Canadian Lutheran World Relief’s (CLWR) “Global Encounter” program at a small…
The 14:40 Prayer for World Malaria Day
One child in Africa dies every 60 seconds from malaria. In a single 24-hour period—one day—1,440 people in Africa will succumb to this disease. World Malaria Day offers an opportunity to raise awareness of the devastating effects of this disease and encourage people to join…
Haiti: Two years later
by Ian Adnams With the speed of today’s news cycles the old adage “out of sight; out of mind” is more relevant than ever. Yet just because news gathering organizations are no longer interested in a story doesn’t mean it goes away. This is often the…
Mozambique ministry flourishing
MOZAMBIQUE – During his recent trip to Africa, President Robert Bugbee met with members of a Mozambican ministry with Lutheran Church-Canada (LCC) connections—the Kapasseni Project, a ministry which grew out of mission efforts by retired LCC pastor Rev. Joseph Alfazema and his wife Perpetua. President Bugbee was in…
Two weeks in Africa: President Bugbee reflects
From February 23 through March 7, 2012, four representatives of Lutheran Church-Canada (LCC) travelled to Africa as part of Canadian Lutheran World Relief’s (CLWR) Global Encounter program. Participants were divided into three groups, with each group visiting CLWR projects in one of three countries: Mozambique, Ethiopia, or…