Category: International News
Japan still works for victory over natural disaster
The recent FIFA Women’s World Cup victory by Japan once again brought focus on the continuing struggle the country faces as it recovers from March’s earthquake, tsunami and nuclear power plant meltdown. Canadian Lutheran World Relief responded by providing more than $300,000—gifts from caring Canadians—for…
African drought and famine receive attention from Lutherans
by James Morgan As famine conditions worsen in eastern Africa, with thousands streaming into refugee camps, Canadian Lutheran World Relief (CLWR) is taking action to bring much needed food to more than 18,000 starving people. Food aid worth $1.5 million and weighing 1,900 tons is…
CLWR responds to East Africa drought through Foodgrains Bank
Although images of emaciated children have only recently hit the news, Canadian Foodgrains Bank member agencies including Canadian Lutheran World Relief are already responding to the severe drought affecting parts of Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda, and Somalia. Since May, the Foodgrains Bank, a partnership of 15…
Planning begins for international conference
Members of the International Lutheran Council’s (ILC) executive committee concluded meetings today in Niagara Falls, Ontario, site of the 2012 ILC International conference. Under the chairmanship of Bishop Hans-Jörg Voigt of Germany’s Selbständige Evangelisch—Lutherische Kirche (SELK), the seven-member committee, along with interim executive secretary Rev. Dr. Ralph Mayan,…
Eleven Christians walk free from Iranian court
An advocacy group for persecuted Christians, Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW), reports that an Iranian court has acquitted eleven members of an evangelical denomination who were charged with “action against the order of the country” and drinking alcohol. The charges referred to their involvement in a…
Iraqi Christians reprieved; Swedish Christian faces deportation
by James Morgan Two recent court actions saw a reprieve for five Iranian Christians awaiting trial for alleged blasphemy, and a deportation order for a former Iraqi Imam, now living in Sweden, who converted to Christianity. According to Christian Solidarity Worldwide (CSW) in the United…