Category: International News
Canadian family in Thailand rocked by earthquake
by James Morgan While images of destruction in Japan are still fresh in our minds, another earthquake in Southeast Asia has affected an LCC Lutheran family serving as volunteer missionaries in Thailand. On March 24, a 6.8 magnitude quake struck the northeast part of Myanmar,…
Heartfelt gifts for LCC overseas partners
Over the past year, Canadian Lutheran World Relief (CLWR), through its Gifts from the Heart catalogue, raised financial support for Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) projects overseas. During a meeting March 22 in Winnipeg, CLWR Executive Director Robert Granke presented a cheque for $6500 to President Robert Bugbee….
Egyptian Christians face opposition
A popular uprising may have ousted a dictator in Egypt, but that does not mean the instant arrival of total freedom for all citizens. Since the protests that drove President Hosni Mubarak from office, life for Christians in Egypt seems as complicated as ever. A series…
Pray for churches in Ethiopia
by James Morgan Lutheran Church–Canada’s mission executive Rev. Dr. Leonardo Neitzel sent a letter of support to members of the Evangelical Ethiopian Mekane Yesus Church (EEMYC) in the aftermath of attacks and church burnings by Muslim extremists. An earlier report from EEMYC President Rev. Dr….
Good news in bad circumstances from Japan
by James Morgan While the destruction and ensuing nuclear crisis resulting from the earthquake in Japan continue dominating headlines, two people and their families with connections to Lutheran Church–Canada are unharmed. Priscilla Ishida, daughter of Rev. Al and Marlene Schmidt of Edmonton lives with her family…
Canadian Lutheran relief agency issues emergency appeal for Japan earthquake and tsunami victims
The biggest earthquake to hit Japan since records began 140 years ago struck the northeast coast on March 11, generating a 10 metre tsunami that swept away everything in its path and killed at least 10,000 people. 350,000 people are living in evacuation sites at…