Category: News
Chilean earthquake recovery underway, “Still much to be done…”
Nearly six months after a catastrophic 8.8-magnitude earthquake struck Chile, the work to restore destroyed towns and disrupted lives continues, thanks in part to donations from Lutheran Church–Canada. Rev. Cristian E. Rautenberg, the recently-elected president of the Chilean Lutheran Church (ELCHI), reports that a special account…
Lutherans urged to support Pakistan flood relief
As the flooding in northern Pakistan continues and millions are homeless and suffering, Lutheran Church–Canada is launching an emergency appeal for funds to assist in relief work. “This is a very unique situation,” explained LCC’s executive responsible for social ministry, Rev. Dr. Leonardo Neitzel. “The Christian…
Goats eating office building
“A nice sharp stucco finish would hopefully discourage the goats which eat the plaster” reported Martin Weber, a Bible translator in Cameroon writing about the state of the Kwanja Translation Center. For the past 28 years, he and his wife Joan, Canadians serving with Lutheran Bible…
Cambodian pastors learn more about Lutheran distinctives
Since forming as a church body in 2009 and installing its first bishop earlier this year, the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Cambodia (ELCC) continues developing its Lutheran identity. Last month, pastors of the young church began learning more about Lutheran liturgy and Law and Gospel…
Bones of John the Baptist – again?
Various news reports claim the bones of John the Baptist have been found on an island in the Black Sea in Bulgaria. Archeologists discovered a stone urn under the altar of a ruined monastery inscribed with a reference to June 24, the festival day of John…
Timing delays full Lutheran participation in apology to Mennonites
At the eleventh assembly of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) meeting in Stuttgart, Germany, delegates today unanimously approved a statement asking forgiveness from Anabaptists (Mennonites) for “the harm that our forbears in the sixteenth century committed” in persecuting Anabaptists. Since the Geneva-based LWF does not represent…