Category: Central Region News
Anyuak pastor installed in Winnipeg
WINNIPEG – On June 22, 2019, Rev. Oboya Ochalla was ordained and installed as Assistant Pastor of St. James Lutheran Church in Winnipeg where he will focus on outreach to the Anyuak and Amharic communities. “It’s a joy to be ordained into the pastoral ministry,”…
Central Region Mission and Ministry Council inaugural meeting
REGINA – The Central Region’s Regional Mission and Ministry Council (RMMC) was convened May 10-May 11, 2019 at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church in Regina, with an opening Vespers service led by Regional Pastor David Haberstock. Council members worked through the documents that define the purpose…
LCC says farewell to long-term employee
WINNIPEG – Lutheran Church–Canada’s (LCC) synodical office is saying farewell to long-term employee Lillian Kozussek, who retires this week after two decades of service with the church. Kozussek first began working for LCC in 1999, in the Worker Benefits department. In 2012, when the Central district…
The Canadian Lutheran welcomes new editor for regional news
CANADA – Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) is welcoming Michelle Heumann as the new editor of regional news for The Canadian Lutheran magazine. At the same time, the magazine is giving thanks for the long-service of its outgoing district news editors and layout designer. “I’m excited to…
From the Central Regional Pastor: Marking the Easter Vigil
By: Rev. David Haberstock What’s your favourite day in the church year? Some of my favourites are the quiet joy of the faithful few celebrating Christ’s taking on our flesh on Christ-Mass Day and His flesh being pierced for our transgressions and crushed for our…
From the Central Regional Pastor: Is All This Worth It?
By: Rev. David Haberstock Is all this worth it? A lot of energy, man-hours, passion, and sweat has been poured into this new Synod structure thing. And yet here we are a few months into not only the new structure but now the new “Regional…