Category: Central Region News
From the President, Central District – Auf wiedersehen
By: Thomas Prachar After roughly 135 of these columns for The Canadian Lutheran, it’s time to say, “auf wiedersehen.” Rather than translating the German as “good-bye,” I prefer, “until we see each other again.” As a new Church Year begins with the season of Advent,…
Transition to New Structure Continues at LCC
CANADA – During the month of October, the three Districts of Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) welcomed members to their final regular conventions before the transition of the new LCC structure in January 2019. Central District’s Convention was held between October 1-3 in Winnipeg, East District’s Convention…
Transition to New Structure Continues at LCC
During the month of October, the three Districts of Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) welcomed members to their final regular conventions before the transition of the new LCC structure in January 2019. Central District’s Convention was held between October 1-3 in Winnipeg, MB, East District’s Convention was…
Ponderings from the president – “O God, our help in ages past, Our hope for years to come”
By: Thomas Prachar The title for this post comes from LSB 733 v.1, and is the theme for our last Central District Convention in Winnipeg. By the time you read this article, the convention will have passed into the history books. Beginning in 1922 as…
Regional Pastors to be Elected at Upcoming Conventions
The Regional Pastor serves as the ecclesiastical supervisor of the pastors, deacons and congregations (“the Members”) who reside and serve in his Region. As of January 1, 2019, LCC will have three regions (the number and configuration of regions is subject to revision over time)…
From the President, Central District – The more things change…
By: Thomas Prachar As I approach retirement at the end of this calendar year, I’ve thought back to some of the first columns I wrote for The Canadian Lutheran. Ian Adnams (editor at that time) suggested that the three new district presidents write about what…