Category: Central Region News
LCC District Conventions Coming Quickly
LCC Central District Convention October 1-3, 2018 Holiday Inn Airport West Theme: “O God, Our Help In Ages Past” (Psalm 90; LSB 733) Winnipeg, Manitoba The District Convention is the Annual Meeting of the Central District. As the congregations, pastors and deacons gather for this last…
New Names for LCC Districts
At the meeting of Lutheran Church–Canada’s (LCC) Board of Directors on April 26, 2018, the board voted to approve a motion to change the names of its three regions (currently districts) to reflect the new structure of the organization. As of January 1, 2019, the…
From the President, Central District – Future prospects
By Thomas Prachar For the last while, I seem to be reminded again and again that I’m not as young as I used to be. My mind makes contracts my body can’t meet. I look forward to a dull evening. My knees buckle and my…
Installation service set for LCC President, Board of Directors
WINNIPEG – The Installation Service for Rev. Timothy Teuscher as President of Lutheran Church–Canada is set for Sunday, January 28, at 3:00 p.m. in Saint James Lutheran Church, Winnipeg. The Service will also include the installation of newly-elected and continuing members of the LCC Board…
Refugee sponsorship demonstrates Christian charity
WINNIPEG – It began with a presentation from Canadian Lutheran World Relief (CLWR) on October 24, 2015—a heartbreaking presentation that included a film about a day in a Syrian refugee camp, and a talk by two Syrian refugees now living in Winnipeg. Six members of…
Lutheran Church–Canada seeking Communications Manager
WINNIPEG – Lutheran Church–Canada’s Synod office in Winnipeg is seeking a Communications Manager. The person in this position is responsible for maintaining the ongoing communication program of synod and developing new strategies for communication with internal and external constituencies. Under the supervision of the President…