Category: Central Region News
Taking it to the Lord in prayer
by Thomas Prachar Now I lay me down to sleep, I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I should die before I wake, I pray the Lord my soul to take. Amen.” This is the first prayer I memorized, with my mother’s help,…
Lutherans call for prayer amidst devastating forest fires
SASKATCHEWAN – The largest evacuation in Saskatchewan’s history has Lutherans calling for prayer in Northern Saskatchewan. The area is facing a particularly devastating forest fire season, with 54 communities under a full or partial evacuation at this time; more than 13,000 people are currently displaced,…
New Third Vice President appointed for Lutheran Church–Canada
CANADA – Rev. Rudy Pastucha (Saskatoon, Saskatchewan) has been appointed to serve as Third Vice-President of Lutheran Church-Canada (LCC) by action of the Synod’s Board of Directors (BOD). In late May, his predecessor, Rev. Mark L. Smith (Plumas, Manitoba), advised Synod leadership that he had…
CLWR to host Prayer Breakfast in Winnipeg
WINNIPEG – Canadian Lutheran World Relief (CLWR) is hosting a Prayer Breakfast in Winnipeg on Thursday, June 4 and all are invited to attend. The event will take place from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. at Canad Inns Polo Park (1405 St. Matthew Avenue). Lutheran…
Winnipeg’s Oromo community draws attention to slaughter of Christians in Libya
WINNIPEG – Following the April release of a video showing Islamic State militants beheading Ethiopian Christians in Libya, Oromo Christians throughout Canada observed three days of fasting and prayer May 1-3 to draw attention to the plight of persecuted Christians across the globe. The Oromo…
Jesus wins!
by Thomas Prachar As spring weather struggles to settle in across our country, winter sports are winding down for another year. In hockey, minor leagues are well into their playoffs. The NHL’s long season is finally grinding to a halt as teams jockey for playoff…