Category: Central Region News
Central District Convention wraps up
SASKATOON – Thursday, April 15 marked the close of the Central District’s 2015 Convention. The day brought to an end to Rev. Dr. James Gimbel’s three-part keynote address on prayer. Dr. Gimbel, President of Concordia Lutheran Seminary in Edmonton, spent three days exploring prayer in…
Central District requests changes to LCC’s structure
SASKATOON – On April 15, the Central District meeting in convention adopted a resolution to request Synod’s Commission on Constitutional Matters and Structure (CCMS) to propose changes to the structure of Lutheran Church–Canada. The resolution suggested that “the present organizational structure does not resolve the…
President Prachar reelected at Central District Convention
SASKATOON – The 10th (49th) regular convention of the Central District of Lutheran Church–Canada re-elected Rev. Thomas Prachar as District President on March 14, 2015. This election marks President Prachar’s sixth term as President of the Central District, having been first elected in 2000. He…
Synod President to assist in Winnipeg Parish
WINNIPEG – Lutheran Church–Canada (LCC) President Dr. Robert Bugbee has accepted what he terms “a very part-time call” to serve as Assisting Pastor at Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church in Winnipeg. The decision came after a lengthy period of prayer and consultation, as the voters of…
CLWR hosts events on humanitarian work in the midst of conflict
CANADA – Canadian Lutheran World Relief (CLWR) is hosting a wine and cheese reception and meet-and-greet with Bishop Munib A. Younan of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land. Bishop Younan, who also serves as President of the Lutheran World Federation, will…
Time matters
by Thomas Prachar This past spring, I had the privilege of attending an Intercultural Conference in Edmonton. Lutheran Church–Canada brought together individuals and entities from across our church who are involved in proclaiming the Gospel to those of different languages and cultures. We heard the…