Category: Central Region News
Mission projects amid Moose Jaw’s healing waters
MOOSE JAW, Sask. – “The Healing Waters of Christ” was the theme in this hot-springs city as 135 delegates, board members and guests of the Manitoba and Saskatchewan District Lutheran Women’s Missionary League–Canada (LWMLC) gathered in convention at the Heritage Inn June 11-13. Keynote speaker LCC…
September blessings for Winnipeg congregation
WINNIPEG – For members of Beautiful Savior Lutheran Church, Sunday, September 12 brought many blessings. The Sunday morning service began with the baptism of Julianna Rivera Alves, one of about 20 adults, inquirers and members who attended a Good News Class conducted by vacancy pastor…
Saskatchewan congregation adds artwork on Ash Wednesday
Moose Jaw, Sask. -Emmanuel Lutheran Church commissioned local artist David Freeman to do a series of wall hangings in woodwork based on the seasons of the Church Year. The first piece for Lent/Easter was installed on Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent. This piece brings out the…